Managed VPN

Togglebox VPN service is included as part of our Managed Routers, and offers a full-featured VPN that offers a secure connection to a private network. Securing your servers behind a VPN provides you with extra data privacy and security.

Our VPNs Support:

  • IPSec
  • Routed IPSec (VTI)
  • OpenVPN
  • PPTP
  • GRE
  • BGP
$25.00 USD Monthly $71.25 USD Quarterly $135.00 USD Semi-Annually $240.00 USD Annually

Managed Virtual Router

Enhance your network security and management by deploying a pfSense virtual router in front of your virtual private servers. With pfSense, you gain advanced firewall protection, robust VPN capabilities, and comprehensive traffic monitoring, ensuring your data remains secure and your network performance is optimized.

Additionally, pfSense's flexibility and scalability allow you to easily manage and expand your network infrastructure, making it a smart investment for future-proofing your business operations.
$25.00 USD Monthly $71.25 USD Quarterly $135.00 USD Semi-Annually $240.00 USD Annually

Managed Firewall

With pfSense, you benefit from advanced firewall protection, intrusion detection and prevention, and granular traffic control, ensuring your data is secure and your network remains resilient against threats.

Our IPsec compliant Stateful firewall is also included as part of our Managed Virtual Router service. These robust firewalls allow for Time based rules, Traffic Shaping, GeoIP blocking, and Anti-Spoofing.
$25.00 USD Monthly $71.25 USD Quarterly $135.00 USD Semi-Annually $240.00 USD Annually
**Costs do not include the router's resouce costs. The entry level router will start at $12.05 montly for 1GB RAM, 1 CPU, 10GB SSD, 2 IPs.