Togglebox offers two types of backups. Managed Hourly Backups as a premium addon, and OnApp backups that all cloud accounts have access to. Managed Hourly Backups are perfect for mission-critical servers, and ransomware protection. The setup and configuration of the backup agent, and the backup schedule policy is fully managed. Managed Hourly Backups offer file-level restores, safe database backups, and inter-datacenter restore capabilities. Tools are provided to all Togglebox Clouds for the creation of manual backups as well as configuring backup schedules. Sufficient Backup Storage is required on your cloud for backups to run. Backup Schedules can be created for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Annual backups, and the retention/rotation periods are customizable.Do you provide automatic backups?
Managed Hourly Backups
Learn More on Managed Hourly Backups
OnApp Backups